Bouquet of Reflection


This bouquet as a story to it. The vase has traveled miles which has added to its character. The story behind the gladioluses is rather sad but that will be a story for the blog The peonies have been saved from a time my father gifted me a beautiful beautiful bouquet, picked from my step mothers! The colors, glass shine, see-through petals will emanate any room it is placed in. It brings a warm and fills in an empty space with a fresh and pleasant presence.

Each piece is carefully preserved with a light coat of a clear finish or hairspray. Each piece is glued together to keep its placement but will be removable.

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This bouquet as a story to it. The vase has traveled miles which has added to its character. The story behind the gladioluses is rather sad but that will be a story for the blog The peonies have been saved from a time my father gifted me a beautiful beautiful bouquet, picked from my step mothers! The colors, glass shine, see-through petals will emanate any room it is placed in. It brings a warm and fills in an empty space with a fresh and pleasant presence.

Each piece is carefully preserved with a light coat of a clear finish or hairspray. Each piece is glued together to keep its placement but will be removable.

This bouquet as a story to it. The vase has traveled miles which has added to its character. The story behind the gladioluses is rather sad but that will be a story for the blog The peonies have been saved from a time my father gifted me a beautiful beautiful bouquet, picked from my step mothers! The colors, glass shine, see-through petals will emanate any room it is placed in. It brings a warm and fills in an empty space with a fresh and pleasant presence.

Each piece is carefully preserved with a light coat of a clear finish or hairspray. Each piece is glued together to keep its placement but will be removable.